Welcome to Orkney Trike Tours

Unfortunately we have had to temporarily suspend our Trike Tours, due to our insurance company withdrawing the relevant product.

We are looking for a new provider, but in the meantime we are offering other (non-Trike) tours. If you are interested then please get in touch.

We are attempting to contact everyone who has a tour booked with us, but if you haven't heard from us then please ring John on 0786 131 0139 or email john@orkneytriketours.co.uk

It’s not where you end up but how you get there that is important.

Orkney Trike Tours offers you an exclusive, exciting and unique way of exploring the beautiful islands of Orkney.

Don’t be just a tourist in a car or a coach, stand out from the crowd and arrive in style. We promise a bit more than just a tour - we give you the “journey” across Orkney.

Orkney Trike Tours understand your time on Orkney is precious, so we specialise in letting you see what Orkney has to offer its visitors. We will pick up, if pre-arranged, from your Hotel, cruise ship or Ferry and drop you off at a place convenient to you, so you can maximise your time on the beautiful islands of Orkney.

Why a Trike?

When you’ve ridden on our trike, you will be talking about the experience nearly as much as the wonderful destinations that you visit with us, long after you have departed Orkney. We will give you a memory, of not only the sites you visit but how you travelled across Orkney.

Being chauffeured on a trike is a fantastic way to travel and at Orkney Trike Tours, we believe it is the perfect way to show you Orkney. By taking a Trike tour with us we can give you the full Orkney experience, reliving how it was travelled before the modern age of the air conditioned car and windscreens, absorbing all the sites, sound, and smells of the Orkney.

And because we know the Orkney atmosphere can sometimes be a bit damper than some places you may visit, we supply full waterproofs and helmets to keep you warm, safe and dry.

No one else, on Orkney, comes close to offering this complete sensory experience.

Ness of Brodgar Archaeology excavation

Final years dig 2024 is for nine weeks starting on Monday, June 24, until Friday, August 23, 2024.

What we offer

At Orkney Trike Tours we offer not only set tours, but also personalised itineries, wedding and function packages and in the summer months we also offer our unfogettable evening tours.

Set Tours

Click on the links below for details and prices of our tours.

Personalised Tours

If you prefer we can design an itinery just for you - whether you want to spend more time at your most anticipated sites, try a bit of everything.

Find out more

Weddings & Functions

Whether you are planning your wedding day or looking for an extra special present, Orkney Trike Tours can make any occassion unforgetable.

Find out more

To find out more about who you'll meet and what there is to do in Orkney, have a look around our website or feel free to contact us by email (john@orkneytriketours.co.uk) or telephone 07861310139 - we'll be pleased to answer any questions you may have.